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NZ Freshwater Fish Database

The New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database (NZFFD) contains over 50,000 freshwater fish sampling records. Data stored in each record include the location of the sample site, sampling method and the fish species present, with many records also containing information on fish abundance and size, and a physical description of the site. Data from the River Environment Classification (REC) has also been linked to the NZFFD, adding further environmental information to each NZFFD record.

Records are contributed voluntarily by people from many different groups including NIWA, the Department of Conservation, regional councils, environmental consultants, universities, fish and game councils, other crown research institutes, schools, iwi groups and members of the public.

These pages comprise the online download and data entry system for the NZFFD where you can freely access data and can enter your own records. Submitted records are reviewed by a database administrator before being available for download.

Use the Download Page to filter and download data from the NZFFD

To contribute new freshwater fish records request an account by sending an email to [email protected].